How to yoga for weight loss


The essential part of our life which we should make a part of our life. Yoga is a way of knowing ourselves spiritually. Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj', which means 'to join'. So, by making yoga a part of one's life we can live a very peaceful life than ever.

There are many kinds of yoga and every yoga has similar benefits. But there is one benefit that is similar in any yoga poses and that is awakening our subconscious part of the mind. And there are much yoga poses with their own respective benefits. But in this blog, I will be talking about some yoga which will help you lose weight. In some of the exercises to weight loss, there is sometimes are side effects that harm our body, in SOME CASES. But in yoga, you will get extra benefits regardless of why you practicing yoga for. Let it be weight loss, body posture, breathing, etc. it will give us more benefits than it is included. Read till the end and I will tell a unique yoga which will not only help you in losing weight but also many many other benefits. 

So here is my 5 yoga poses list for weight loss:-

1) Virabhadrasana – Warrior pose:

-Conditioning your thighs and shoulders, just as improving your focus has gotten more available and fascinating with the Warrior II present. The more you hold that represents, the better the outcomes you gain. With simply a couple of moments of Virabhadrasana, you will get more tight quads. 

Warrior III posture is made to improve your parity alongside conditioning your back end, legs, and arms. It likewise assists with conditioning your stomach and gives you a level paunch on the off chance that you contract your muscular strength while you hold the position.


2) Trikonasana – Triangle pose:

-The trikonasana assists with improving assimilation just as decrease the fat saved in the stomach and midriff. It animates and improves blood dissemination in the whole body. The parallel movement of this asana causes you to consume more fat from the midriff and construct more muscles in the thighs and hamstrings. Despite the fact that this posture doesn't make your muscles shake as others do, it gives you the advantage that different asanas do. It likewise improves balance and focus.

3) Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Dog pose:

-Adho Mukha Svanasana tones your whole body with a little extra attention to specific muscles. It helps to strengthen your arms, thighs, hamstrings, and back. Holding this pose and concentrating on your breathing engages your muscles and tones them, as well as improves your concentration and blood circulation.

4)  Sarvangasana – Shoulder stand:

-Sarvangasana accompanies different advantages, from expanding your quality, to improving absorption. Be that as it may, it is known for boosting digestion and adjusting thyroid levels. Sarvangasana or the shoulder stand fortifies the chest area, muscular strength, and legs, improves the respiratory framework, and improves rest.

5) Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana – Bridge pose:

-One more asana with various advantages is the Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge present. It is amazing for glutes, thyroid just as weight reduction. It improves muscle tone, processing, directs the hormones, and improves the thyroid levels. It likewise fortifies your back muscles and decreases back agony.

Last but not least, thank you so much for reading my blog, and very much appreciate this. If you really want to be in the body structure you dreamt of and its not like you only need to do yoga because you want to lose weight or anything else, but because you have to make it a part of your life as its is really important and everyone should take out time to do yoga.

By keeping my promise, here is the yoga that will benefit you in many ways and that is SURYA NAMASKAR. 

Now Surya Namaskar is not a yoga single yoga asana but it is a full method including 12 yoga poses which is done in order. I would highly recommend you to do it. Even I did it for a few days and now I will start doing it and it will really, really will help you all a lot. To know how to do Surya Namaskar the right way, check out the video given below.


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